Monday, June 25, 2012

Blue Ribbon Foods Reviews Okra

Many frozen foods selections from Blue Ribbon Foods would be recognizable to almost everyone. Corn, carrots, beans and cauliflower are staples of the vegetable aisle at most supermarkets, and most cooks know just what to do to bring out the tender flavors of these vegetable favorites. Blue Ribbon Foods reviews their selections periodically, and sometimes, the company adds items that might be slightly more exotic to some customers. This allows the company to encourage people to expand their vegetable horizons, perhaps discovering new favorites they might not have been tempted to try before. In this article, Blue Ribbon Foods reviews the uses and benefits of okra, a vegetable that might be unfamiliar to some chefs.

According to Blue Ribbon Foods reviews of cooking history, okra is commonly used in the southern part of the United States, but it's less commonly known in the northern climates. This may be changing, however, as the vegetable is a common ingredient in many Thai foods, and as those foods become favorites of more and more people all across the country, more and more people are becoming acquainted with okra and what it can do.

Okra is related to cotton and cocoa, producing broad leaves and thick seedpods. Both the leaves and the seedpods are edible, but the pods are the portion of the plant most people are accustomed to eating. When the pods are cooked, they can produce a slimy substance. Some people find this off-putting, but according to Blue Ribbon Foods reviews, many people like the taste of this substance. The texture may take some getting used to, but the flavor of the substance truly is extraordinary. The slimy substance may also have an additional benefit for chefs, according to Blue Ribbon Foods reviews. It can work as a binding agent, allowing soups and sauces to adhere together and gel. This can allow cooks to refrain from adding flour and cornstarch to their recipes. The okra can do this work naturally.

Okra also makes a wonderful addition to stir-fry dishes and curried vegetable dishes. According to Blue Ribbon Reviews of recipes, the okra can add an earthy punch to these dishes, and the pods add a bit of fibrous texture that can be delightful.

It’s easy to experiment with new vegetables through the Blue Ribbon Foods program. Give okra a try today!